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Historical District Commission Meeting Minutes 06/06/2006
Historic District Commission
June 6, 2006
Land Use Meeting Room

Members present:  Chair Pam Mackie, Ken Fowler, Elaine Steinert, Jason Berger, Lesliejohn Roche

5:30 p.m. Henry Rothschild, 12 Housatonic St., Map 43 Parcel 171, new sign.
Mr. Rothschild presented his application for a new sign, measuring 20” X 36” that would be black, carved with gold leaf lettering and a red border.  There is an existing white sign post, approximately 7 feet high, that this sign would hang from.  The sign will be stabilized.  

Jason made a motion to issue a Certificate of Compliance and  Lesliejohn seconded the motion.  The Commission approved 5-0.

6:00 p.m. Chuck Hebler, Napa, 30 Church St., Map 43 Parcel 159, handicap access.  Presenting the application was Chuck Hebler.

Jason recused himself for this hearing.

Mr. Hebler said that he had to have handicap access for his restaurant according to the ABA.  His application provided all of the specifics relating to the handrail and ramp.  He stated that he is in compliance with the Building Code, ABA and his plans are contractor approved.

Ken made a motion to issue a Certificate of Compliance and Elaine Steinert seconded the motion.  The Commission approved 5-0.

Other Business:
Copies of letters sent by the Building Inspector to violators of Section 7.1.3 of the Zoning Bylaw, were received by the HDC.  Letters were sent on June 3, 2006 to:
·       Homers, 27 Housatonic St., 43-176.
·       Fin, 27 Housatonic St., 43-178-1
·       Betty’s Pizza, 26 Housatonic St., 43-170
·       Athena’s Restaurant, 9 Franklin Street, 43-81
·       Carol’s Restaurant, 8 Franklin St., 43-191
·       Pilates, 38 Housatonic St., 43-158
·       SOCO Restaurant, 36 Housatonic St., 43-170

1.      Lesliejohn has advised that she will not be able to serve on the HDC after July 1, 2006.
2.      Ken-Pam made a motion to approve Ken as Chair.  Jason seconded the motion and the Commission approved 5-0.
3.      Jason-Elaine made a motion to approve Jason as Co-Chair.  Ken seconded the motion and the Commission approved 5-0.
4.      Elaine-Ken made a motion to approve Elaine as a full time member.  She is a member of the Historical Society and would replace Lesliejohn.  Having Elaine in this position fulfills the requirements of having a member of the Historical Society. Jason seconded the motion and the Commission approved 5-0.
The minutes of May 16, 2006 were approved.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola